Monday, April 4, 2011

A belated birthday gift

My dear, I hope I did your face justice!

This is my friend, who did some wonderful cosplays. You can find her here. I used one of her cosplay pictures of Zhang He, from Dynasty Warriors (game) as reference! Happy Belated Birthday, and I'm sorry the present took so long!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Yayyyyy new class

(2-minute poses, charcoal)

Signed up for a new figure drawing class started. "Anatomy & the figure." The instructor was a lot more structured, which is something I appreciate a lot. I felt like I learned a lot just from one session! Now they're 3 hr sessions, and I really regret not being able to attend them all. Uni's ending the first week of May, which means I will only be able to attend 4 sessions out of the 8. Ah well, I'm just glad I am able to attend that many in the first place!

He also insisted that we work only with charcoal, so I was finally forced to put my pencils down and pick up those messing things!

This week, the focus was on the pelvis (we drew from a skeleton) and really quick sketches of the form with a focus on how to make lines. (Also, male model, finally, yay! I noticed that he had really defined veins and muscles... so awesome to draw!)

(20 minutes, pelvis from a skeleton, charcoal)

(10 minute pose, charcoal)

And finally, since I haven't uploaded in so long:

(And an old water-based oil on canvas painting I did back in 2007)

I actually submitted this to my Uni's art festival in 2010 and it got chosen to be placed on the brochures, posters, and flags all over the campus! I was so excited, haha!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

An old picture and even older picture

Really fast 15 minute sketch from a couple weeks ago. I also wanted to try a rougher style.

Below is a quick 5-minute sketch I did in class about a year ago. I was trying to aim for a certain kind of nose/lip shading (that I saw in other CGs) and was wondering if I could imitate it with pencil. Somewhat successful. Her eyes are, unfortunately, anime!

I'd planned on CGing this for real, later, but I don't think I shall ever finish it. Maybe I'll post the unfinished CG file screenshot later.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Figure drawing has ended...

...but I'll post some rough stuff I did in the class in the past. Now I've signed up for this other course, which is more anatomy related. I hope it's more structured than the figure drawing class, but I can only take it 4 times, before this semester ends! Wow-- seems so near!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Figure Drawing

We finally did a longer drawing today. 50 minutes! Unfortunately, I didn't plan out my time very well so her lower body and the surroundings are incomplete. I mainly focused on her back-- you can probably tell. I also cropped this because I don't like the way I rendered her face.

And since I couldn't bear to leave it unfinished like the other ones, I spent a couple minutes to touch it up from memory:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Draw, Draw

My first 20 minute pose. I wasn't prepared for the time limit and rushed the shading on the arm and upper body.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More figures!

30-minute pencil

20 minute pencil

I really wish we did longer pieces. Both of the above were from the same day-- today!